We are developing a reforestation program to replant the native trees (medicinal trees and trees used for buildings) in the purma and the opening places.
For one tree cut for building the malocas, we want to replant 10.
If you wish to sponsor a tree, with 4 soles, you can participate in the reforestation of the Amazonian forest.
We are developing a conservation project in partnership with the local entities and the Peruvian government, for the creation of an official private preservation space.
This project gives us a legal context and logistic helps from the government to achieve our project and to preserve the forest where we are the guardians.
We also have the project to take as a concession 10000 hectares, located at 3 hours from the community, to preserve and watch over this space.
We are developing a reforestation program to replant the native trees (medicinal trees and trees used for buildings) in the purma and the opening places.
For one tree cut for building the malocas, we want to replant 10.
If you wish to sponsor a tree, with 4 soles, you can participate in the reforestation of the Amazonian forest.
We are developing a conservation project in partnership with the local entities and the Peruvian government, for the creation of an official private preservation space.
This project gives us a legal context and logistic helps from the government to achieve our project and to preserve the forest where we are the guardians.
We also have the project to take as a concession 10000 hectares, located at 3 hours from the community, to preserve and watch over this space.
- TINI “TIERRA DE LOS NINOS” (Children earth)

See website:
This project is helped by the local associations: La Canoa sin Fronteras, La Restinga, and international associations: Constellation and Proynos.
(Voir plus d’informations sur ces associations dans l’espace Contact)
The feminin's energy return

The women’s most important goal is to awake as woman, with their creativity, their power, their beauty, their strength, their courage.
The woman is the mother of all the humanity. If the woman is sleeping, all her children cannot awake.
Thanks to her own creative energy, the woman has lots of powers: fertility, abundance, prosperity and cyclic renovation for the planet.”
The Moon Lodge
We want to make an isolated space « the moon lodge » for the women to retreat and to connect with the Earth and with themselves, during their menstruation. A space and a time for creation.”
This place will also be used for « women circles » to exchange and share from the heart, in an appropriated space.
“It is necessary for the women to gather in circles..
Women need to work in group as a team in one heart, one body, one spirit and a unique soul.
“A space to recognize the gifts and the blessings of being a woman, and from there to honour the masculinity, and to go forward, in communion, harmony, fullness, integration, and with love in our hearts -Mahi-“
The old cultures traditions used to highlight the connexion between the women and the cylces.
“The menstruation time was a special event and when the women were on their period, they annouced it in order to inform everybody that they were in their « sacred time ».
She was not allowed to cook and neither to have contact with the men. “
The link between the woman and the Moon.
“The Moon influences the water and the tide.
As we know the Human body is mainly made with water, then it’s logic that the moon cycles affect the men and the women behaviour.
For the woman, the full moon is connected with the menstruation; it’s a time to close the circles and to start new ones, time for introspection.
The new Moon is connected with the ovulation. It is a time to create, to expand, to initiate new projects, new ideas.