The community is based in the heart of the peruvian amazon rainforest, on the road between Iquitos and Nauta, km 50, caserío Huambe.
How to get there?
- To get from Lima to Iquitos, you have several options:
- Take a plane to Iquitos
- Take a bus to Pucallpa (around 20 hours) and then a boat to Iquitos (5 days)
- Take a bus to Yurimaguas, in the north (32hours) and then take a boat (3 days) and you can stop in Nauta, or in Iquitos.
If you stop in Nauta, which is a very little village, you have to take a bus to Iquitos, and stop on the Km 50"Caserio Huambe.
- Take a bus to Pucallpa (around 20 hours) and then a boat to Iquitos (5 days)
- Take a bus to Yurimaguas, in the north (32hours) and then take a boat (3 days) and you can stop in Nauta, or in Iquitos.
If you stop in Nauta, which is a very little village, you have to take a bus to Iquitos, and stop on the Km 50"Caserio Huambe.
Take a Bus to Nauta and stop in Km 50, "Caserio Huambe", that is on the right hand.
- To get from Huambe entrance, to the community:
You need to walk like half hour on the main path untill you see the Aroiris sign on the right hand. take that path and continue to walk 5 min till you get to our maloka.
Welcome home!
- If you need to spend a night in Iquitos, we recomand "hospedaje begonias", 955 Pablo Rossel
tel: 928470581
065 23 42 32